Truth can destroy a dream, why, dream can’t destroy the truth?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Insane party up

30th August 2010
Today is really really cool ! We had so much fun today with INSANE. And u know what, u guys are totally insane, really. but I love u all guys!
Ok Ok, let me tell the story. Few days before today, me and Fausta planned something special for celebrate our best friend 16th birthday.
Then we decided to buy a cake from clover. Because my house is far from Clover and nobody picked me up to buy that cake, so Fausta agree to go there and buy it with her father.
But suddenly, in saturday, her father got an accident with his car. Not so serious but he still need a rest. And we began to think WHO will pick Fausta to buy that cake.
And finally, Thanks to my bro TOMMY ANDREAS and BARRY PRAYOGO who willing to help Fausta to go and  buy the cake. Well, though Barry drive the car crazy, THANKYOU AGAIN for bring back my Fausta home safely.
And this is it. TODAY, we really did it ! At school, inside the class.
After the bell ring, Setiawan and Hesley go catch Sanjaya and take him out of class, then me and Fausta go prepare the cake and so the candle. After that, INSANE come SOUNDLY. Hha.
We sing HBD song together, and Fausta give Sanjaya the cake.
Surely, I don't wanna miss the moment. So I was already prepared my camcorder and RECORD all the party progress. And guess what, WE HAD SO MUCH UNFORGETTABLE FUN TODAY.
Hha, once again :

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