Truth can destroy a dream, why, dream can’t destroy the truth?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

HBD my lovely grandma

What a BIG BLAST !!!
Yesterday was the best day ever. My grandma was celebrating her 74th years old birthday :)
In the beginning of the day, I woke up as usual, and I take my bath in hurry because I have to go school.
I remember what day was that day. but I deliberate not too care even if my grandma talked something to me.
I pretending, hahaha.
After taking bath, my mother asked me to say Happy Birthday to her.
Then I went to my room and took the gift that I've prepared from yesterday. It was a blue shirt, and it's so beautiful.
Finally, I went to the living room and found her there sitting for tea time.
Then I shocked her (I'm that stubborn, trusted it) and gave the gift for her.
She felt so happy and touched, I can saw it in her eyes;;)
Finally, I went school and had my piano course as usual. what a tired day for me, though.
Finally, I went home with my bro :) At home, we had a special agenda.
We had a special dinner with all the family member and some relatives also from the church.
My mom cooked many of special food, nyamm :9
I reallly reallyy lovee this day. Just Because today is MY LOVELY GRANDMA'S BIRTHDAY !
THANK GAWD for it. For always blessing my grandme, me and my all family so we could happily celebrate our birthday year by year.
I Love My Grandma, seriously, heartfully <3

[Wake Up, Girl!]

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