Truth can destroy a dream, why, dream can’t destroy the truth?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


post signatureI've just red a novel. The tittle is : FATE. Actually, I've seen this novel about many many months ago at Gramedia Book Store. But I just don't even care about it. I'd rather bought another novel. Finally, about three days ago, I went to Gramedia Sun Plaza with my mother. And when I saw the "Best Seller" bookshelf. I've found it again. The pink cover and it's cute picture got my attention. Then I picked it up. I red the synopsis from the back cover. and what really catch me is, this novel is about KOREA.
Whoa! I always love Korea and it's culture. That's why my mind told me to buy it directly, without any doubt. After that, I went home. And day by day, I red the novel with full of attention. The novel is just too interesting. The author took two of my favorite actor from korea.. They are Choi Min Hwan from FT Island and Choi Min Ho from Shinee. what an amazing writting!
Today, I've finished my reading. The ending was awesome. It's out of my mind. I've just realize that I have to thank the author for giving the small glossary in the page behind. That was soo exciting. Helping me in Korean language, which is I adore the most :*
Thanks for Orizuka for inspiring me much from her 11th novel, FATE
You guys should but it too, especially if you like KOREA :)
Now I begin to dream somehow I could meet her or maybe that two actor who I loved the most
I can stop imagine about them (y)
Jeongmal Kamsahamnida m(*o*)m
Go visit Orizuka official page ! >>>>

[Wake Up, Girl!]

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Capture It

Stuck in the moment with my mother <3


Saturday, September 4, 2010

HBD my lovely grandma

What a BIG BLAST !!!
Yesterday was the best day ever. My grandma was celebrating her 74th years old birthday :)
In the beginning of the day, I woke up as usual, and I take my bath in hurry because I have to go school.
I remember what day was that day. but I deliberate not too care even if my grandma talked something to me.
I pretending, hahaha.
After taking bath, my mother asked me to say Happy Birthday to her.
Then I went to my room and took the gift that I've prepared from yesterday. It was a blue shirt, and it's so beautiful.
Finally, I went to the living room and found her there sitting for tea time.
Then I shocked her (I'm that stubborn, trusted it) and gave the gift for her.
She felt so happy and touched, I can saw it in her eyes;;)
Finally, I went school and had my piano course as usual. what a tired day for me, though.
Finally, I went home with my bro :) At home, we had a special agenda.
We had a special dinner with all the family member and some relatives also from the church.
My mom cooked many of special food, nyamm :9
I reallly reallyy lovee this day. Just Because today is MY LOVELY GRANDMA'S BIRTHDAY !
THANK GAWD for it. For always blessing my grandme, me and my all family so we could happily celebrate our birthday year by year.
I Love My Grandma, seriously, heartfully <3

[Wake Up, Girl!]

Monday, August 30, 2010

Insane party up

30th August 2010
Today is really really cool ! We had so much fun today with INSANE. And u know what, u guys are totally insane, really. but I love u all guys!
Ok Ok, let me tell the story. Few days before today, me and Fausta planned something special for celebrate our best friend 16th birthday.
Then we decided to buy a cake from clover. Because my house is far from Clover and nobody picked me up to buy that cake, so Fausta agree to go there and buy it with her father.
But suddenly, in saturday, her father got an accident with his car. Not so serious but he still need a rest. And we began to think WHO will pick Fausta to buy that cake.
And finally, Thanks to my bro TOMMY ANDREAS and BARRY PRAYOGO who willing to help Fausta to go and  buy the cake. Well, though Barry drive the car crazy, THANKYOU AGAIN for bring back my Fausta home safely.
And this is it. TODAY, we really did it ! At school, inside the class.
After the bell ring, Setiawan and Hesley go catch Sanjaya and take him out of class, then me and Fausta go prepare the cake and so the candle. After that, INSANE come SOUNDLY. Hha.
We sing HBD song together, and Fausta give Sanjaya the cake.
Surely, I don't wanna miss the moment. So I was already prepared my camcorder and RECORD all the party progress. And guess what, WE HAD SO MUCH UNFORGETTABLE FUN TODAY.
Hha, once again :

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Her whisper is the lucifer

post signature
I heart Shineee !! I heart Taemin !! I heart Lucifer soooo bad !!
Oh my, this songs is really cool. The music video is soo energic. I love when all the personnel of the group dance together. They looked so, UGH *speechless* Especially, Taemin. The guy with long red (or black) hair. whoaa. He is really really awesome, he dance perfectly.
Firstly I saw him, I began to thin that he looked like gay, because of his style. It just same like a girl' style. But what, finally I felt in love with him <3. Among all of Shinee members, he is the one I love the most.
And now, you know what? I began to wish that they would come to Indonesia. Especially in Medan. Oh yea, maybe I'm dreaming. But I really really wish for that. And if that will come true, I SWEAR I WILL COME TO THEIR CONCERT, no matter what! Hha. It must be sooo fantastic, and I will never ever miss it.
Lots of Love, LUCIFER :*

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Best Besties Ever

Having a spare time, again and again. Then I decided to share about my wonderful teen life.
And It couldn't be wonderful if I had no people like this around me. Thank Gawd so much for send me some little angels *yucks* to complete me in my way of life :)

Phei :
My bestestest best friend ever. Looking back through the years, she is the one I won't forget. Till the end of time. Seriously.
She will never change. I know it
Okay. About her:
Her name is  Stephanie, Her surname is Zheng
She addicted to yellow, and she loves Nakayoshi.
She is Taurus Girl, and she hates study. But I don't really sure. Coz now she is in the XI-soc-1 class, SEE?, plus classs !
Hha. No matter what and who is she, I always love her, heartfully.

My second bestest  best friend ever. She is Phei's siblings.
About her:
Her name is Janice Pradinata, her surname is Lin. She likes white color, and she is a fashion designer wannabe~
She is kind and lovable. everybody just love her in the first seen, because of her kind heart is reflected in her face. Hha. I love her, always :)

The very left one:) Her blog's link is in my friend list.
She is a model and she is so talented, many of my friends tell me that she's beautiful. Well, the fact is, Yes.
About her :
Her name is Fausta Limawan, I called her "a-ToooT" Hha.
She loves purple, and her ambition is a fashion designer. She is the real artist, anyway. Behind her success about modelling, she always love her family and friends. She sit next to me in class. Hha Love ya :)

Second from the right. She is a singer, and she is very talented, trust me. She addicted to emo, and what I have to admit that she's TOTALLY EMO!
About her:
Her name is Jennifer. Her surname is Lie. She loves blue, but I think She loves black and red mostly. A little bit slow *mindproceed* but she is so funny.That's all about her. Her life is soo Complicated (y)

The very right one :) her beautiful eyes always make me jeaolus of her. But still, she is so kind and the most important is, she is ma besties :))
About her :
Her name is Debby Gunawan. Her surname is Wu.
She dislike girls who like to make up everyday. She is brave and kind also. love her sooo much ;;)

That's all.
for Me, We and Us.

[Wake Up, Girl!]

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let me

Let me flashback.
About the scenesthat we've been played
About the words that we've chatted
Even though maybe it just in a little of times
And after all,
Let me close these eyes, and feel the warm
Let me open this heart, and save it in
When night comes,
Let me dream the sam dream I've had many times before
About us, and how this things will take us together
When I standing near,
Let me steal a listen the sweet symphony that you hummed
Let it be my solemn song, then Let me quiver this voice to sing it
Would you let me dear? Would you?
Cause I can't let myself to tell you, Cause I'm incapable to let you know 
And I can't even pretend to be brave,
Showing you all these fantasy, giving you all these imaginary
If you Let me, then I thanked you.
I'll keep these all as secrets, that no one will know.

[Wake Up, Girl!]